spurious definition electronics

Spurious: A Novel: Lars Iyer: 9781935554288: Amazon.com: Books.
Spur gears - definition of Spur gears by the Free Online Dictionary.
encyclopedia: Definition from Answers.com.
Fob | Define Fob at Dictionary.com.
Part of the Electronics glossary:. A birdie is not the same thing as a spurious response.. Terms related to electronics, including definitions about electrical.
Safety Integrity Level (SIL) is defined as a relative level of risk-reduction provided .. Electric and electronic devices can be certified for use in Functional Safety.
and the meaning of his urge to write, as well as the source of the fungus. before it is too late.. This item: Spurious: A Novel by Lars Iyer Paperback $13.46.
Fob definition, a small pocket just below the waistline in trousers for a watch, keys . to cheat someone by substituting something spurious or inferior; palm off.
If a signal is passed from one to the other via an audio connection with the ground wire intact, this potential difference causes a spurious current through the.
Feb 7, 2013. What is telecommunications electronics material protected from emanating spurious transmissions (TEMPEST)? Instantly find the definition.
Baseness | Define Baseness at Dictionary.com.
What is Spurious signals? - Yahoo! Answers.
Squelch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
A combining form or prefix signifying false, counterfeit, pretended, spurious; as. An electronic-mail or Usenet persona adopted by a human for amusement.
Although the OED accepts Granholm's definition and credits him with the. This has given rise to much spurious comment about its derivation from the German. any piece of electronics that worked well on shore but consistently failed at sea".
The first electronic encyclopedias, such as Grolier's Academic American ... with the same meaning, and this spurious Greek word became the New Latin word.
NTRC SVG - Spurious Emmissions.
spurious definition electronics
spurious definition electronics
2. Definitions of Terms Related to Accuracy.
Nearly every electronics device sold inside the United States radiates. 2.1 Unintentional radiators; 2.2 Unlicensed broadcasting; 2.3 Common uses of Part 15 transmitters; 2.4 Spurious emissions. 47 C.F.R. 15.3 contains definitions.
On a statistical basis, spurious errors confound evaluation of accuracy .. scale, commonly used in electronics and instrumentation specifications, is defined as:.
Title 47 CFR Part 15 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.